
Martial Art Books

By Gershon Ben Keren (Martial Arts Woburn Head Instructor)

Books By Gershon Ben Keren

Gershon Ben Keren has written three Amazon Best-Selling books on Krav Maga (published by Tuttle). He was approached in 2012 to write his first book, after a commissioning editor at Tuttle had read several of his articles on the Krav Maga Blog website. This is a site where each week he publishes a new article on either Krav Maga, self-defense, criminology or forensic psychology which looks at different ways of dealing with violence.

Woburn Martial Arts Books By Gershon Ben Keren: Book One

Krav Maga: Real World Solutions

Tuttle Publishing (2014)

Woburn martial arts Head Instructor, Gershon Ben Keren, chose as the subject matter for his first book on the Israeli martial art of Krav Maga to look at threats and attacks that were committed in a planned or premediated manner. These were offenses where offenders specifically targeted certain locations, engaged in a victim selection and surveillance phase, and then approached those they had selected to victimize in a particular way. By understanding the processes that such offenders engage in, and being able to recognize the steps, stages, and phases they go through, it is possible for individuals to recognize violence before it occurs. Whilst the book explains and demonstrates physical solutions to both unarmed and armed attacks, these are put in the context of the manner in which violent incidents occur, placing them as acts along a timeline rather than as isolated events. The book is shot in full color with techniques demonstrated at full speed against dynamic assailants. To learn and see more, click the button below to see the book on Amazon and look inside etc.

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Woburn Martial Arts Books By Gershon Ben Keren: Book Two

Krav Maga - Tactical Survival

Tuttle Publishing (2016)

Martial Arts Woburn, Head Instructor second book focuses on different forms of social violence. Social or spontaneous violent events occur due to negative social interactions, such as disputes and arguments over who was first in a line, whether somebody is parked in another’s parking spaces, and/or where somebody has accidentally spilt a drink over someone etc. These are incidents where a person has become angry/aggressive because of something another person has done; this could be something that is real (actually happened) or perceived (something the aggressor believes happened but didn’t. Whereas premeditated incidents (as described and detailed in Gershon Ben Keren’s first book), are the result of internal drives and motivations e.g., a mugger who engages in street robberies is motivated by a need for money, spontaneous incidents occur due to external actions and events e.g., an individual feels threatened, disrespected, and/or frustrated by others. To learn and see more, click the button below to see the book on Amazon and look inside etc.

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Woburn Martial Arts Books By Gershon Ben Keren: Book Three

Krav Maga Extreme Survival

Tuttle Publishing 2018

Gershon Ben Keren’s (Martial Arts Woburn Head Instructor) third book contains solutions to extreme forms of violence. These types of events, although less common, than incidents such as street robberies and incidents involving social violence, are potentially higher consequence affairs. Active shooter scenarios, car-jackings and home invasions, often result in serious injury and sometimes even death. In the book Gershon Ben Keren demonstrates proven and effective solutions for dealing with these three different types of violence. The section of active shooter incidents was the result of a systematic review of the current research on active killer events, along with a study of over 140 U.S. incidents. This coupled with his experiences in Israeli methods and tactics for dealing with active shooters informs the solutions presented in the book. The solutions presented in, “Krav Maga – Extreme Survival”, were filmed in the distinct locations where active shooter incidents occur e.g., academic settings, businesses etc. To learn and see more, click the button below to see the book on Amazon and look inside etc.

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