Women's Self Defense Woburn
Free Women's Self-Defense Program
Women's Self-Defense Classes in Woburn

Our free women’s self-defense program has been running since 2010. Our school, and instructors receive no funding for this, and is something we do to give back to the community. The program is a mix of online learning and physical self-defense seminars/classes. On our online platform we look at areas of personal safety, where women rather than men (but not exclusively) tend to be targeted and victimized. These areas are rape and sexual assault, intimate partner violence (IPV), and stalking/harassment. Our women’s self-defense program is evidentially based, using research and studies. Which focus on violence against women. The program was designed and created by martial arts Woburn head instructor, criminologist, Gershon Ben Keren, who has been teaching women’s self-defense classes since 1990. The program recognizes that physical self-defense should always be seen as a last resort and learning how to predict, identify and avoid violence is always a better strategy. Whilst violence may be seen to be random, predatory individuals and abusers tend to follow predictable scripts and use the same structured methods to gain access to those they target. By learning how to identify these processes it is usually possible to identify when a predator is working through one and exit it before they are ready to implement their physical attack.
Our section on intimate partner violence and abuse is not directed at individuals who are involved in violent relationships (there are organizations and individuals who are better e quipped to help individuals who are in such situations), but at helping people learn to identify in the early stages of a relationship, whether the person they are with is likely to start to develop such behaviors, with the intention of helping leave the relationship at an early stage before it has become too serious. The stalking module of our women’s self-defense program in Woburn, looks at how to dela with ex-intimate partners who engage in stalking and harassment campaigns after a relationship has ended. Although the tactics and strategies that we present for dealing with such individuals can be applied to all stalking/harassment campaigns, our focus is on ex-intimate partners, as it is these individuals as a group who are more likely to engage in acts of physical violence and harm.
The physical component of self-defense that we teach is not simply a martial arts system’s simpler techniques, nor do we reduce everything to groin strikes and kicks etc., but rather it is a collection of concepts and ideas that can be easily remembered with a few straightforward and high yielding movements and attacks that are built around them. If you are interested in learning more about this program, please visit our dedicated women’s self-defense website by clicking here.